

Suzanne Thoeni headshot

I joined Impact100 to expand my level of community service and broaden my personal relationships, as I was nearing retirement. The Impact100 collective giving model was appealing, and Impact’s structure offered a unique opportunity to contribute. I sensed that I could support the chapter and its mission with skills that had been honed during my professional life. I also appreciated the flexibility; I could do as much or as little as I choose.

As Secretary, I am responsible for generating and maintaining certain records for the chapter and ensuring Leadership Team meeting procedures and conduct align with our Guiding Principles. As Governance Chair, I am responsible for the Governance Committee, with responsibility for the functioning of the Leadership Team, including promoting ethical behavior, succession planning, strategic planning support, and the Guiding Principles (which govern membership meetings and the Leadership Team’s role, size, composition, tenure, voting, etc.).

My roles draw on skills that I enjoy using, with the benefit of interacting with women with complementary skill sets. The diversity of thought represented on the Leadership Team and the Governance Committee enlightens me and invites me to examine my own perspectives. I am surrounded by engaged, thoughtful, grounded women.

Impact100 offers a unique form of community service, by pooling both members’ funds and volunteers’ talents. By voting on grant applicants, members self-determine how 100% of their combined funds will be directed. Organizationally, Impact100 has space for everyone. A member’s level of engagement is entirely up to her. Given its culture of collegiality, it is a joy to volunteer.

My volunteer work has included fundraising for JBWS, JBWS safe-house volunteer, Preschool Advantage, and client interactions at the Interfaith Food Pantry. My professional background, primarily in large, global corporations, includes accounting and treasury, supply chain, large-scale project management, and legal compliance in the areas of ethics, international trade, anticorruption, and sanctions.

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