Morris Plains
I saw a news story about the organization and thought “This is my kind of group!” I wanted to collaborate with women who see a need in their community and do their best to meet it.
I create and disseminate internal and external communications for the organization.
Honing Impact100 Garden State’s message for a variety of stakeholders across a range of platforms is a big challenge with a satisfying payoff.
If you want to make a difference in our local communities, with the bonus of meeting interesting, active, like-minded women, this is the group for you. Once you’ve joined, you can be as involved or as not-involved as you like and still make an impact.
As a Communications and Content Strategist, I create both print and digital content for a wide range of regional and national publications and organizations. I was president of my town’s Board of Education for seven years and have served as president of the Morris County Schools Boards Association and as President of the Education Foundation of Morris Plains.