Using the map:
- The map displays Impact100 Garden State grant recipients, current year members by town and out-of-state members. Green icons represent members and purple icons represent grantees.
- Click the arrow icon on the upper left-hand side of the map to overlay the key on the left side. Click on an line item in the key (grant recipient or town) to move the map to display theĀ grant recipient or town in the map or click more to see all the line itemsĀ in that category.
- Click the full screen icon in the upper right-hand corner of the map below to display the full map with grant recipients and current year Impact100 Garden State members in a new tab.
- Click on a line item (e.g. grant recipient or town) for a short description.
- Use the + and - buttons (or your mouse or fingers) to scroll in and out on the map - useful if you want to see our faraway members.